I always love what we do here at Punch Drunk Critics, but some days are just more humbling and astounding than others. Like, for instance, when you get to talk to the director of one of your favorite action movies. That's just what we got a chance to do when Con Air director Simon West called in to talk to us for a bit. His new movie, The Mechanic, is in theaters now and it comes with high recommendations from us to go see it. That's honesty folks, were not just hyping because the director cut time out to sit down with us, this movie is bad ass action to a T with great performances by the ass kicking Jason Statham and the always amazing Ben Foster. That being said Simon was an awesome, down to earth guy, who earned LOADS of points with me during our interview when he said he loves making action movies....most directors say the artsy thing, that they love dramas and such because you can tell a personal story, but Simon West...no no...Simon West said he loves action movies because where else can you blow stuff up for fun and act like a kid again! How awesome of an answer is that! Here are some of the highlights:

-What movie would he make if he had infinite resources
-His thoughts on how he made his film different from the original
-What it was like when "RickRolling" came about (He directed the video)
- His upcoming projects with Nicolas Cage and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
....and much MUCH more, including some insight into a scene from Con Air that we all were wondering about.
So take a listen and let us know what you think. Also, do yourself a favor and go catch The Mechanic in theaters now!