
Kristen Stewart, Rachel McAdams reportedly reading for Lois Lane role

If nature abhors a vaccum, so does the world of casting gossip. With Henry Cavill cast as Superman this past weekend, there was a rumor gap to fill, and that is already being met with all the Lois Lane stuff flying around right now. Yesterday we heard Malin Akerman's(Watchmen) name bandied about, and now What's Playing has a few more who have reportedly already read for or have been asked to read for the role. 

Kristen Stewart, Dianna Agron(Glee), Rachel McAdams, and Jessica Biel are said to be the latest names on that list, with Biel and McAdams the frontrunners. I would lean more towards McAdams just because of her well regarded work on the Warner Brothers produced Sherlock Holmes flick recently. Um, and because she's awesome in everything. She's attractive, can play the professional woman better than anybody, and has a certain spark to her a lot of young actresses lack. Plus her name value is a good balance to the relatively unknown Cavill. Still, it's all going to boil down to scheduling, and What's Playing also notes that Anne Hathaway had to pull her name out of contention once she decided to get catty as part of The Dark Knight Rises.

We're probably going to hear a decision made on this soon, but I don't think these are the last names we'll be hearing about. I haven't heard Rachel Weisz's name mentioned in months(I know she's too old now, but her name always comes up), and there has to be another Glee or Gossip Girl star that hasn't been mentioned. I'd vote for Zooey Deschanel, but I know that ain't happenin' either.