
Wally Pfister talks the script for The Dark Knight Rises; plans to shoot in IMAX

Word to my homies Kevin McCarthy and Joshy Hylton over at the Kevin and Josh Movie Show(of which we're regular guests on Friday nights) for once again snagging Wally Pfister, the amazing director of photography for basically all of Christopher Nolan's films. The chatty DP had a lot to say about the script Nolan's hammered out for the final leg of the trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises. Let's just say the guy's a little amped up for it...

Pfister: "Plain and simple — he’s done it. It’s a phenomenal script. He’s still in the process of cutting it back because it’s a very long script right now, but it’s really phenomenal. And he actually had me go back and wanted me to watch, in IMAX, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight again. When I watched those I had read the script for The Dark Knight Rises and was like, ‘Dude, it is a perfect trilogy.’ I think that was his intent, to work off those two pictures — and they are very different pictures. And it’s funny, we all had different opinions about which picture we like better."

I love that comment about working "off those two pictures". Nolan is creating a real masterwork with his Batman trilogy, with each film flowing naturally into the next. Could I get more excited about The Dark Knight Rises? I don't think so. 

Pfister also pushes for everyone to see the flick in IMAX, stating that they're going to shoot as much of it as possible in the expanded format. Sounds like they've got something extraordinary planned for the opening, as he says it'll "blow your mind".  Dude, just count me in already. 

The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters on July 20th 2012! Check out the full interview by clicking right here.