So maybe Kiefer Sutherland wasn't just talking out of his Bauer butt a few weeks ago when he said that the big screen version of his hit TV show,
24, would be hitting theaters next year. Super-producer Brian Grazer, with the hair like he's been riding in convertibles with the top down his whole life(which he probably has) recently backed up Sutherland's statement via his
Twitter feed...
"Got off the phone Keifer yesterday and we are very excited about producing the ‘24' movie for next year."
While I'm suspicious just how the 24 real-time model will translate into a feature film, I have to admit that I've missed Jack Bauer and his torturey ways. TV just isn't as fun or ridiculous without him. The problem is that we just don't know a heck of a lot about who is working on the film right now. Billy Ray(
Shattered Glass
) penned a script awhile back which was rejected by the studio. Not enough action or something. But Sutherland also recently stated that parts of Ray's story are being used in the new version. But who is writing it? Who's directing it?
Tony Scott was interested, and Sutherland says he's working on it, but in what capacity? To me there's too much of a cloud surrounding the film to believe it'll be ready next year.