
Beware! The possible plot of Prometheus lies within!

One of the most fascinating things to watch over the last few months has been the secrecy behind Ridley Scott's upcoming sci-fi film, Prometheus. What started out as a definite prequel to Alien turned into some sort of spinoff with "Alien DNA" supposedly at the heart of the story. Damon Lindelof(Lost), who wrote the script, has kinda gone both ways on what it would actually entail. Same with Scott. Is "Alien DNA" literal? Or are there just thematic similarities between the films? Well, all the wondering my be moot now, as i09 has been sent what appears to be a total reveal of key points of the plot. Hell, it's basically the entire plot. So consider the below image "Spoiler Space", with the plot immediately following...

Earth. Year 2058.
 Archaeological digs in Africa reveal alien artifacts that humans were genetically engineered by a advanced alien race (space jockeys). These “Alien Gods” also terraformed Earth in order to make it habitable for their human creations. Amongst finds are coordinates to the Alien God’s home-world, to Paradise. Months later the Weyland Corp launch the spaceship PROMETHEUS and his crew, into deep space to make first contact. Thanks to faster than light travel a few years later the PROMETHEUS enters the Zeta Riticuli star system. Humans are greeted by their makers, then transported further into space to a scary yet fascinating world. The Alien Gods are proud of their “children”, their first creation to reach such levels of intelligence.

As a reward they share bits of their astonishing bio-based technologies with the humans. But for one crew member of the Prometheus it’s not enough. In a treacherous act he steals the “bio-source code” to Terraforming, a technology at the origin of all Gods’ power, that could make humans equal to the gods. The Alien Gods may be scientists but are also ruthless conquerors, destroyers of worlds who will not accept humans as equals. They unleash on the escaping human crew their favorite bio-weapon, a creature used to “clean up” worlds before colonization. But something goes wrong in the process and humans manage to turn the bio-weapon against their makers. Giving birth to a smarter, nastier, bigger breed of gut eating creatures. Creatures that will be the demise of Paradise. What’s left of the Prometheus crew manages to escape the doomed planet.

On their trail a survivor Alien God in very familiar ship with one ultimate mission.

Bring the wrath of the Gods to Earth.

If that description holds up, it makes it pretty clear why the film was titled Prometheus. It also means somebody's head is going to roll tomorrow morning if not sooner. To me it reads as completely legit, and fits in perfectly with all we've heard so far. Part of me hopes it's fake because I don't want to know anything about what's coming up. We'll probably never truly know the answer until Prometheus comes out next year on June 8th.