
Confirmed: Denzel Washington to take Flight with Robert Zemeckis

Back in June we first learned that Robert Zemeckis(Who Framed Roger Rabbit) was making his first movie with real, living human beings since 2000's Castaway, and he'd locked up Denzel Washington to join him. Well that was going a bit overboard as it was hardly confirmed, but now it's been confirmed. Washington will star in Flight, a drama about an airline pilot deemed a hero after saving his passengers from certain disaster.

It's not that simple, of course. The pilot's role in the disaster starts getting picked at by investigators and journalists, and soon he begins to crack under the pressure, with accusations of alcoholism and drug use surfacing. I'm assuming this guy is no Sully Sullenberger. John Gatins(Real Steel, Coach Carter) wrote the script, with shooting set to kick off this fall.

I'm hoping this will give Washington a chance to stretch his acting muscles. He hasn't been doing it often, let's be honest. We all recognize him as an amazing talent, but what has he done since Training Day to back that status up? Not much.