
*UPDATE* Major Rumor: Ellen Page secretly appearing as Batgirl in The Dark Knight Rises?

 UPDATE: You'll be shocked to learn that this rumor didn't pan out. Whom whomp. It's completely false. Oh well. Thanks, Batman News.

Every now and then we like to traffic in a little wild speculation and crazy rumor, especially when it comes to productions that have made an effort to be so secretive. Remember the story about John Cena playing Batman after Christian Bale's finished? Ahhhh, good times.  Well, this kinda goes along those lines in that there's probably no chance it'll turn out to be true, but if it is it'd be pretty awesome. Here's the thing, though, if the evidence turns out to be legit, then somebody may have stumbled on a major coup.

TDKR Rumors has the story that Ellen Page, yes little Juno herself, is secretly appearing in The Dark Knight Rises as Barbara Gordon. We all know Babs grows up to become none other than Batgirl, who later gets shot and becomes Batman's ally, Oracle. A reader was on the set of the film and snagged this image of a trailer with these words on the door....

To the best of my knowledge there's nobody else in the film with the name "E. Page", nor is there a slotted role for Barbara Gordon. However, recent developments have made the possibility of this being true somewhat greater. Christopher Nolan recently revealed that the film takes place eight years after The Dark Knight, and if you recall we got a very brief glimpse of Barbara Gordon in the last film where she appeared to be roughly 10 years old. So this would put her around legal age, a woman but still young enough to cause trouble trying to fit into the superhero world. It's all just speculation on my part, but I'd be crazy to totally dismiss it considering the number of surprises we've seen from Nolan and Co. already. 
Right now, Page should be shooting Brit Marling's eco-terrorist flick, The East, so I have my doubts whether she'd have any time to even do the part. Then again if it's only a small role, a cameo, it could happen. It just seems unlikely with the thousands of set photos we've seen capturing every waking moment of the shoot that her presence would be able to stay a secret for so long. Then again, Nolan did seem awfully chuckly when he was asked about Barbara a couple of years ago....