
Cool new character banners for The Avengers

Poor DC Comics. It must for them watching their chief rivals at Marvel so meticulously put together their cinematic universe. A plan which has done more than just earn them tons of cash, but also has created a world where B-list characters like Black Widow and Hawkeye are now viable screen heroes. We'll have movies on them before too long, probably after the first phase of Marvel's plan concludes after Joss Whedon's The Avengers hits next summer. DC? Well they've basically squandered the opportunity opened up by Christopher Nolan's Batman flicks.

The marketing push for The Avengers continues with the release of two new character banners, featuring the whole team, plus Tom Hiddleston as the trickster, Loki. Pretty cool, and I dig the greenish hue they gave Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner.

The Avengers will storm theaters on May 4th!

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