
When will you see trailers for The Dark Knight Rises and The Hobbit?

Just last week, Gollum....er, Andy Serkis, said that he thought we'd be seeing a trailer for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, sometime around Christmas. Makes sense, with the film almost exactly one year away, it's the perfect time to start whetting our appetites for the long awaited prequels to The Lord of the Rings. In the meantime, earlier this month we got an early word that a 2nd trailer for The Dark Knight Rises would premier in front of Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. Now according to Jeff Sneider at Variety, we'll be getting both trailers ahead of the Robert Downey Jr. detective flick...

I was thinking we'd see The Hobbit ahead of Peter Jackson's The Adventures of Tintin, but this makes just as much sense. If you had any doubts about seeing the Sherlock Holmes sequel, I hope this makes your decision a bit easier.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey will open next year on December 14th.

The Dark Knight Rises opens on July 20th.