
Trailer Time: 'Total Recall', starring Colin Farrell and Jessica Biel

While I was away, on April Fool's Day no less, the full length trailer for Total Recall was released, and I'm not joking in the least in saying that it's pretty damn great. It'd be better if they kept the lady with three boobs, but maybe she'll pop up later and surprise us.

Leaning heavily on Philip K. Dick's short story and less on the sci-fi "classic" 1990 film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, this version has Colin Farrell in the lead role of everyman Doug Quaid, living in a future world and discovering that his life of normalcy may not be his reality. In fact, he's a spy/butt kicker of epic proportions, seen in a whirling 360 sequence in which he takes out a room full of armed goons. It's a fantastic looking set piece, certainly a cut above what we normally see from director Len Wiseman(Underworld), and in general the entire film appears to have a Blade Runner feel to it.

That said, this is still material we've seen before, and based on the trailer it appears they're going for a tone similar to The Bourne Identity, only with aliens, hover cars, and two sexy ladies in Jessica Biel and Kate Beckinsale. Probably the smart way to go considering the convoluted nature of the plot. Total Recall is going to have its fans due to the name value, but there's a good chance it gets swallowed up in the summer swarm. We'll see when it opens on August 3rd. Check out the trailer below....