
Barry Sonnenfeld to bring DC Comics' 'Metal Men' to the big screen

Ugghhh...this is what I feared most, that Warner Brothers would reach into the dregs of DC Comics superheroes in order to fill their movie ranks in an attempt to keep up with Marvel Studios. While I don't think anyone would dispute that DC has the most iconic group of comic book stars in the world, it's matched by some of the absolute worst creations ever that nobody has been able to make cool. One of those is Metal Men, a group of heroes created in 1962 and have achieved a cult favorite status to those who enjoy DC's quirkier side. Although, it should be noted they have never been able to sustain an ongoing series because...well, they aren't very interesting. Not that it will stop Warner Brothers, though, as Barry Sonnenfeld(Men in Black III) has been set to direct a Metal Men film.

Sonnenfeld had been hinting that he was tackling a film based on a 1960s DC Comics property, and unfortunately this is it. The Metal Men are a group of six robots created by inventor Will Magnus, each imbued with the properties their names suggests: Gold is the field leader; Iron is strong; Lead is thick and stupid; Tin is shy and timid; Mercury is hot-headed and quick to anger; and Platinum is...well, a chick. They introduced another female member named Copper back in 2007, and began working as security for WayneTech under the employ of Lucius Fox. Name sound familiar? Morgan Freeman plays him in Christopher Nolan's Batman flicks. That could be cool, right? A Metal Men/Batman live-action crossover? Um, nah. Not happening.

This is a dreadful idea for a number of reasons, but the main one is that Barry Sonnenfeld isn't going to get anybody amped up to see this film. If you're going to try and make a proven dud of an idea like Metal Men appealing, best to attach some top shelf talent. Sonnenfeld isn't that. Hopefully, Warner Brothers will be smart and not spend a ton of cash making Metal Men a reality.