
'Taken 2' trailer may keep you away from Istanbul for a while

I'm so conflicted about Taken and Taken 2. On one hand, what's more badass than Liam Neeson? Nothing is more badass than Liam Neeson. But on other hand, as an Iranian I gotta say, why do all the sex traffickers in Taken have to be pervy Middle-Eastern or Arab types? Culturally, I have to shake my head at that.

But, what ho! Those evil - probably Muslim, let's be real - sex traffickers are back for Taken 2, which brings back Neeson, Famke Janssen as his ex-wife, and Maggie Grace as his daughter. In this trailer, it seems like the family is happily back together, with Bryan Mills (Neeson) in Istanbul and the two women gleefully surprising him. They bask in the city's exotic beauty, they drive around bazaars and - oh, right, Mills and Lenore (Janssen) get taken by some Albanian guy whose son was killed by Mills in Taken. (Yes, I know Albania is in Europe, but Taken doesn't make it seem that way.)

And so, their kidnapping means Mills gets another opportunity to make one of his interrupt-me-and-you'll-regret-it phone calls, this time again to Kim (Grace), warning her of what's coming next. Which is, of course, Neeson busting a move onto some guy's head.

Taken was a solid hit, bringing in nearly $227 million internationally, and now has a legitimate cult following, so I wouldn't be surprised if Taken 2 went the same way. The film hits theaters in Oct. 5, 2012.

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