
Watch the 'Deadpool' web series teaser trailer

Y'know, at this point I've totally given up on the idea of ever seeing a Deadpool movie. Ryan Reynolds has been attached to it for years, and...crap I can't even remember the guy who is supposed to be directing it. Tim Miller? Eh, whatever. But at least we'll be getting a cool new web series centered on the infamous Merc With A Mouth starting next month, and now we're getting a look at a hilarious new trailer for it.

Writer/director Chris R. Notarile will be spearheading the series, with professional wrestler Damian Vargas donning the Deadpool mask. They promise us a return to the Deadpool fans like me came to know and love, before Marvel ruined him by making him too much of a comedy act. This trailer is almost totally bonkers, though, with Deadpool dancing the Gangnam Style(enough of that, already!!), kicking some ass, while the sexy/dangerous Typhoid Mary gyrates seductively in the background. Hm, ok.

I'm totally digging it, though, and look forward to seeing how this plays out. Subscribe to the series here, and then check out the trailer below...