
We may get some Christoph Waltz in 'The Muppets' sequel after all

It was more than a little disappointing when Christoph Waltz had to bow out of The Muppets sequel, where he would have been playing the villain of the Euro-caper. Nothing against Ty Burrell, but he's no Christoph Waltz, as those who hopefully went to see Django Unchained well know. But as it turns out, he may be popping up in the film after all, albeit in a much smaller capacity. There may be dancing, though, which would more than make up for his lack of screen time.

He tells Collider [via BleedingCool]....

Waltz: "I was talking about it again today but it might nor be a proper part, it might be one of these little what they call cameos… I was looking forward to meeting Miss Piggy. But they told me that dancing with Miss Piggy, for example, is almost impossible because she’s totally operated by puppeteers and dancing is, you have to dance with someone where there’s actually a real person inside so let’s see who I dance with."

I'd much rather see Waltz twirling a pistol and his mustache as a bad guy, but if they can come up with a reason for him to dance with Miss Piggy then it'll be well worth it. Or maybe it'll be with star Ricky Gervais?

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