Watch five minutes of clips from Baz Luhrmann's 'The Great Gatsby'
It's clear that Warner Bros. is showing more than a little concern over how The Great Gatsby will play to audiences next month. They've been on a non-stop onslaught of promotion for the film, perhaps trying to convince people this won't be your typical classroom version of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, and is more likely to give your English teacher fits than anything else.
Warner Bros. has released a number of new clips from the film, adding up to about five minutes of footage. They show off not only the impeccable cast of Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Tobey Maguire, Joel Edgerton, Elizabeth Debicki, Isla Fisher, and Jason Clarke, but also give a small idea of how Luhrmann used the 3D to his advantage. I imagine all of those vibrant colors and shimmering objects will be popping right out at us.
Thanks to Collider for rounding up all of the clips into one neat little package. The Great Gatsby opens on May 10th.