
Set photos from 'The Wolverine' and 'Days of Future Past' reveal Hugh Jackman across time

One thing we know going in to Bryan Singer's X-men: Days of Future Past is that it's going to include a lot of time travel. The story we presume is set in our present, with the team attempting to stop an apocalyptic future from taking place. But when exactly is that "present"?  How does it jibe with the placement of The Wolverine? Or X-men: The Last Stand? Or any of the other X-men movies, for that matter?

Bryan Singer and The Wolverine director James Mangold have revealed two new set photos featuring Hugh Jackman as Logan. Singer's image from 'Days of Future Past' shows Logan and his trusty, fashion-timeless jacket, opposite Nicholas Hoult as Henry "Beast" McCoy. Captioned "Welcome to 1973", it suggests that Logan has been transported back in time, which would also support recent rumors about the conclusion of The Wolverine. But is it really so cut 'n dried? Let's not forget that Logan is essentially immortal ages slower than others, so this could just be him in his proper time looking exactly the same as he does years later. Have a headache yet? Such is the nature of time travel movies.

Mangold's set photo is a claw-to-sword battle between Logan and his nemesis Lord Shingen, played by Hiroyuki Sanada. Comparing the images, Logan's still sporting a mean set of muttenchops, but the hair is all wrong. Maybe he goes back in time and gets a perfectly retro haircut? The Wolverine finds the Canadian X-man in Japan finding love with Mariko Yashida, earning the wrath of the yakuza, and having his immortality pushed to the limits by a powerful new foe.

The Wolverine hits theaters later this year on July 26th. X-men: Days of Future Past takes over on July 18th 2014.