
Sony Sets Release Dates for Third and Fourth 'The Amazing Spider-Man' Movies

Sam Raimi is probably somewhere chuckling right now. As you know, he was intended to take his Spider-Man franchise into a fourth film, but that idea was canned and it instead became Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man reboot. Always planned as a trilogy, Webb is currently at work on the sequel which hits theaters in a year. But in what can only be a sign of confidence, Sony has set release dates not only for a third film, but for a fourth. We'll see if it ever reaches that far.

The Amazing Spider-Man 3 has been dated for June 10th 2016, with the next film to come May 4th 2018. Yeah, that's how far ahead studios are looking already, continuing the rather disturbing trend of dating movies that have no scripts, casts, or directors even in the discussion phase. There's always the chance Sony has a plan in place for the third film, as rumors suggest it will involve Spidey (Andrew Garfield) battling the Sinister Six. The villainous team does look to be forming up in the sequel, with Jamie Foxx as Electro, Paul Giamatti as Rhino, Colm Feore rumored as The Vulture, and the Green Goblin portrayed by either Chris Cooper or Dane DeHaan.

We'll see if Marc Webb sticks it out for the long haul, although I wouldn't count on seeing Emma Stone there at the end. Call it a hunch. So what do you think? Do you want two more Spider-Man movies? Or is a trilogy more than enough? The Amazing Spider-Man 2 webs up theaters on May 2nd 2014.