
Jaime Alexander Promises Third 'Thor' Film; Confirms 'Batman vs. Superman' Talks

Marvel's Thor: The Dark World opens in just under a week, and already analysts are projecting it to be do significantly better than the first film. Not surprising given the $1B+ haul of The Avengers and Iron Man 3, and we can probably expect to see bigger numbers for all Marvel films for awhile longer. The cast has been out and about making the press rounds (we should have an interview up in just a few days), and Jaimie Alexander, who promises to see an expanded role as Sif in the film, revealed some information that will have the rumor mill buzzing.

Alexander took part in Stan Lee's Comickaze Expo as part of the Movie Talk panel, where she basically confirmed what we already knew; there WILL be a third Thor movie. No shocker there. The bigger question is whether or not it will be the final Thor film.

Those who have seen Alexander as Sif know she's a definite bad ass, and it's fueled a lot of fan hopes that Warner Bros. would consider her for a future Wonder Woman movie.  She's definitely got the look and physicality for it, and when a recent casting sheet for Batman vs. Superman was calling for a tall, athletic, physically fit actress in her late 20s for a mystery role, it read like the search for Wonder Woman was on. The description basically describes Alexander to a tee.

While she didn't directly address playing Wonder Woman, Alexander revealed that she has had "conversations" with both Marvel and Warner Bros. about future superhero films, and that she "knows thing" about the Batman vs. Superman storyline. While we know that it's very loosely based on The Dark Knight Returns, the exact details would only be known to those who are in the film or are trying out for a major role.

Forbes caught up with her for a follow-up, and she was a little more measured in her words. Here's how they captured it...

Alexander laughed slyly, saying, “I would love for DC to put Wonder Woman in one of their upcoming flicks, either in her own movie or Batman vs. Superman, or just something even to introduce her.” Getting more to the point regarding her earlier comments, Alexander explained carefully, “Being in the comic book world, we know a lot of the same people at DC and Marvel, so we hear a lot of things, but it’s all speculation right now. But I would absolutely love that [Wonder Woman appearing in one of the upcoming films]. Thankfully and gratefully, I’m appreciative to the people who ask my opinion of the character, and that’s been pretty amazing.”

Alexander's a die hard comic book fan and she's spoken in the past about what her version of a Wonder Woman would look like. She told Screen Crush earlier this year....

Alexander: “If you’re going to make Wonder Woman, make it like The Bourne Supremacy. You know, let’s do something awesome like that. Alias was a fantastic show. Why can’t we do that? Why does she have to be in hot pants and spandex and all this stuff? And yeah, I get it, it’s visually stunning for…half of people. But at least make her grow a pair. All she does is eat ice cream while she’s crying over a boy. I know it never aired but that’s what the script said.”

So we'll see what happens, but it definitely looks like Alexander is a star on the rise. With Joss Whedon and Kevin Feige talking often about their desire for more female superhero movies, could we perhaps see a Sif spinoff or Marvel One-Shot? And if there's any doubt that Alexander doesn't have the look to play Wonder Woman for Warner Bros., just check out this fanmade photo, which the actress herself tweeted her approval of!