
'The LEGO Movie' Sequel Arrives May 26th 2017

Everything is definitely awesome over at Warner Bros. where The LEGO Movie has been welcomed with great reviews and a box office already over $200M. It's done so well that word on a sequel began to emerge just days after its release, and now we know when all of the pieces will come together.

The LEGO Movie 2 is three years away, hitting theaters on May 26th 2017. It's a little early for plot details but we know Jared Stern (The Internship) and Michelle Morgan (Girl Most Likely) are working on a script. What's unclear now is if co-directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller will return, or if they'll slip into a producer capacity as they did after Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

Hopefully Warner Bros. is smart enough to keep around as many people involved with the first film as possible.