The spine of nearly every popular young adult novel is the idea of personal
identity; that journey of self-discovery in which the protagonist, usually a
teenaged girl, finds her inner strength while saving the world. This typically
means bucking the societal norms of some dystopian future, and if there's a
cute boy to make out with then even better! Veronica Roth's
Divergent, the
first of her best-selling trilogy
(aren't they all best-selling trilogies,
though?) takes an overly simplistic, somewhat absurd approach to the theme
of self-discovery but benefits by fully developing the world in which that idea
is explored. However, it's that world which is left sorely lacking as the
transition is made to the big screen, leaving the rest wide open to some harsh

Blandly directed by Neil Burger and based off a photo-copied script by Evan
Daugherty and Vanessa Taylor, the world of
Divergent is so bereft of
stakes, momentum, and originality it becomes as taxing as the aptitude tests
suffered by the lead character. In a future version of Chicago (an element
hidden in the novels but freely revealed in the film, for simplicity's sake),
humanity has been divided up into five ideological factions in the wake of a
post-apocalyptic event. A somewhat muted Shailene Woodley plays Beatrice Prior,
born into the faction known as Abnegation, noted for being selfless and
extremely dull. The other factions are Candor (honesty); Amity (um, they're
kinda friendly); Erudite (intelligence); and Dauntless, known for their
bravery. At the age of 16, everyone must take an aptitude test to help decide
which faction to choose. The system, installed mysteriously by the government,
comes back inconclusive for Beatrice. Turns out she's a "divergent",
someone with many attributes and thus unfit for any single faction. But
Beatrice has always had her eye on the Dauntless because they run around, climb
stuff, wear tight clothes, and get tattoos, so when the time comes to choose,
that's where she goes.

The decision to switch factions is apparently a really big deal, the kind
that breaks up entire families, but we are never really clued in why. The
structure and rules of this society are poorly explained and full of logic
gaps. A tension between the factions exists because the plot demands it be so,
but the flimsy explanations for it leave much to be desired. Kate Winslet rocks
a mean suit (it's all she does) as Jeanine, an Erudite leader fomenting
hatred against Abnegation and specifically Beatrice's family. She's also on the
hunt for divergents, presumed to be dangerous because they think for themselves
or something. It's worth noting that, despite the separation into factions,
each person can still think and act of their own accord. It's frowned upon but
it happens, and that fact makes the whole divergent thing in desperate need of

Re-christened "Tris" after joining Dauntless, the majority of the
film is how she acclimates to her new group. Becoming an official member of
Dauntless is no picnic, requiring weeks of combat and mental training. Coming
from Abnegation, she's nicknamed "Stiff" and must prove her mettle in
any number of crazy tasks. With the exception of best friend Christina (Zoe
Kravitz), the douche bag Peter (Miles Teller, Woodley's
The Spectacular Now
co-star), and hunky trainer, Four (Theo James), most of the other initiates
might as well not exist. It proceeds pretty much as one would expect it to with
little in the way of surprises. Tris starts off lousy, and then goes through a
quick montage where she starts improving her scores. Meanwhile, theoretical
sparks fly between her and Four, who helps Tris hide her divergence while
keeping his own secrets close to the vest.

While every adaptation should stand on its own, it's tough to look at the
changes made and not get a little frustrated. Roth offers some good ideas to
work with that may connect with younger audiences, namely how making those
first adult decisions can be an alienating experience, judged by family and
friends alike. Forging one's own destiny, even if it leads far from those held
dear, is a rite of passage most teens can relate to. But the film removes any
complexity, especially in Tris' relationships with her parents and Four. A big
part of her character is the conflicted feelings she feels over leaving
Abnegation, and the fear she has of losing her parents' love. It comes back up
towards the big finale but without the proper context. Her budding love affair
with Four could have been ported over from somewhere else and nobody would

At 140 whopping minutes the pace is sluggish at best, only ramping up
towards the end as a sinister plot comes to a head in a hail of gun fire.
Woodley is no action star, and lacks the physical presence of Jennifer
Lawrence, but she makes Tris' transformation from uncertain girl to confident
leader believable and at times enjoyable. Even if her performance is a tad
reserved it fits with her character's humble origins. If there's a reason to
anticipate further sequels, it's her. While James' booming voice will have
women swooning and guys jealous, that's pretty much all he has to offer as a romantic
lead. Winslet rarely signs on for blockbusters like this, and hopefully the
one-dimensional character she was given will remind her why.
Divergent is meant to celebrate individuality yet there's
nothing special about it to separate from the rest of the YA pack.