Muppets Most Wanted strikes an odd chord right from the very
beginning. The opening song, taking place literally moments after 2011's
surprisingly charming, nostalgic, and hilarious The Muppets, suggests right off
the bat that sequels are never better than the original. It's a catchy tune,
and often cites the film's original title,
The Muppets...Again. Why
change the title but keep it in the title track? Anyway, the song basically
admits right up front that all they are doing is giving the audience more of
what came before, and it turns out that hanging with Kermit, Miss Piggy, and
the gang still hasn't gotten old.

The first film was largely a pet project belonging to Jason Segel, and it
was structured as such while in his loving care. With him gone from the sequel,
the emphasis is squarely on the Muppets as they try to figure out their next
move. With the Hollywood buzz of their last outing having quickly faded, they
face the prospect of becoming yesterday's news all over again. It's the perfect
time for sketchy agent Dominic Badguy (Ricky Gervais) to swoop in and suggest
they take the show to Europe. Trusting in Kermit's judgment, the Muppets
enthusiastically agree and head off on a world tour.

What they don't know is that the appropriately named Badguy is little more
than a lackey to Constantine, Kermit's evil doppelganger and the "world's
most dangerous frog". Having escaped from prison, Constantine worms his
way into the Muppets' lives, framing Kermit and getting him sent off to a Russian
gulag run by the Kermit-obsessed Nadya (Tina Fey). It also features a crew of
heavies played by Danny Trejo (as himself!!), Jemaine Clement, and Ray Liotta.
You haven't lived until you've seen Machete performing prison musical numbers.
The cameos aren't as pervasive this time around, and some are easily missed
(blink and you'll definitely miss James McAvoy), but the major ones connect
because everyone seems to be having a good time making fun of themselves.

The introduction of Constantine as a (possibly) recurring nemesis has its
ups and downs. While his floundering attempts to mimic Kermit and hide his
disgust for Miss Piggy are often very funny, he's afforded a little too much
screen time. That's time probably better spent with the other Muppets, who have
been allowed by Constantine to indulge in every ridiculous act Kermit would
have shot down. It's Walter, the new Muppet introduced in the last film, who
begins to suspect something isn't quite right. If only he was as curious about
the disappearance of Segel's character, who he supposedly grew up with. But
that's a minor nit-pick as returning director James Bobin and co-writer
Nicholas Stoller have wisely set it up for us to look at this as a purely
standalone effort, one that is more of a heist comedy in the vein of
Great Muppet Caper and
The Pink Panther. Adding to this is the
presence of Ty Burrell as a Clousseau-esque Interpol agent teaming with Sam the
Eagle to investigate Constantine's crimes. As Kermit tries to escape,
Constantine rolls out his global jewel-thieving plot while systematically
insulting Badguy at every turn.
Even as
Muppets Most Wanted acknowledges its status as a perfunctory
sequel, the loving attention to detail, subversive humor, and pure fun haven't
been diminished.