
Capitalism to the "Rescue" in New Trailer for 'Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt?'

The first two movies based Ayn Rand's libertarian wet dream Atlas Shrugged have combined for about $7M on a budget that inexplicably soared to over $30M. Seriously, if you've bothered to slog through either film you'll wonder where the other $29.5M went. The fact is, for a film that espouses Rand's supposed free market principles you'd think producers would recognize the free market doesn't give a damn about Atlas Shrugged, and yet here we are with a trailer for the third failure film, Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt?

A major overhaul includes new director J. James Manera and a cast of folks you'll recognize but not know from where, but still the film looks like something Ron and Rand Paul put together while throwing darts at the middle class. The story goes that over regulation and taxation has driven off all those awesome, super-caring rich folks and now the world is in a pit of mediocrity. Here's the thing; the final arc of the book (which is absolutely dreadful by the way) contains a 60-page screed by the central character, John Galt, in which he preaches the virtues of capitalism and individualism while decrying moral obilgation. Basically he's making the case for being selfish and greedy at the expense of others. I can't understand why nobody turns out for these movies except for Paul, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck, all of whom will make cameos, by the way. 

At least the trailer does a decent job of shrouding Galt in an air of mystery and giving the impression he's some kind of superhero. Maybe somebody will get confused and think Atlas Shrugged is a sequel to Troy? Starring Rob Morrow, Laura Regan, and Kristoffer Polaha, Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? opens September 12th.