
Comic-Con Announces Hall H Wristband Gimmick that Won't Help At All

Want to know what really sucks about San Diego Comic-Con? Those damned lines, especially if you're trying to get into Hall H where the big shit gets announced. You practically have to sleep overnight outside in the street to have a shot and even that is no guarantee. As the event has grown over the years it's only gotten worse, and now they're finally doing something to try and correct it, even though it won't really change thing.

So the big idea SDCC has come up with is a new wristband policy known as the Toucan Tracker, which sounds like it should be a motor vehicle. Basically, what will happen is that colored wristbands will be distributed once folks start lining up for the next day's Hall H panels. They will only hand out enough to match Hall H's maximum capacity so if you've got one on your wrist you should be golden. There will be colored markers along the way that will help you to know just how good the odds are of getting in. Basically you're screwed royal without a wristband.

Now this won't give you free run to get in line and then jet off to Starbucks or to get breakfast like somebody else is always forced to do. You'll only be able to reclaim your spot in line if others in your group remain. But if you all leave (which would be mindbogglingly stoopid) and try to return you will be wished out into the abyss at the back of the line.

Will this alleviate anything when all is said and done? Hell no. There will still be a few thousand people (many of whom probably won't go back to their hotel and shower) lined up along the sidewalks for miles hoping to get in to Hall H and hear George R.R. Martin tell us nothing about the next Game of Thrones season.  And I will be one of them. >sigh<  But at least this gives those with no shot of getting into the first panel a chance to leave and do other things. Check out the full SDCC release on the Toucan Tracker below.

Wristbands will be distributed for Hall H ONLY. These wristbands are not guaranteed entry passes. They will be used to gauge the length of the line for Hall H.

You must have a badge or badge barcode to be in line.

Wristband distribution will begin in Plaza Park as people get in line but will stop at approximately 1:00 AM, resuming again at 5:00 AM at the spot where the last wristband was given out.

You will need to have a wristband in order to enter Hall H for the first panel of the day only. If people with wristbands leave the line for the first panel of the day and more seating becomes available, the room will be filled with the first people in line who do not have wristbands.

These are not meant to be entry passes, but a marker for attendees in line. As always for Comic-Con International lines, if you need to leave the line for any reason, be sure a member of your group remains in line or you will lose your place in line.

Wristbands cannot be sold, saved, or traded.

After the first panel of the day loads, the wristbands will not be used and the line will proceed as normal.

The wristbands will be in four colors, each color denoting a section of the line. The first quarter of the room capacity will receive a certain color, the next quarter another color, and so on.