
Cue Outrage: Kate Mara Says 'Fantastic Four' Isn't Based on a Specific Story

With a cast that features Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell, and Miles Teller, it should be pretty obvious that Josh Trank and 20th Century Fox aren't doing the same ol' Fantastic Four. This is going to be radically different, and apparently that will include far more than just the familial ties between the characters. In an interview with Esquire Mexico, Mara revealed that she isn't much of a comic book fan, but that it doesn't really matter because Fantastic Four will be presenting an entirely new story about Marvel's "First Family" of superheroes...

Mara:  "I've never been a fan of comics, I've never actually read one. I was going to for this movie but the director said it wasn't necessary. Well, actually he told us that we shouldn't do it because the plot won't be based on any history of anything already published. So I chose to follow his instructions. The one fact is I am a fan of comic book movies, so it's very exciting to be part of a movie like this."

Some are using this as a reason to get bent out of shape about the film before they've seen a single frame. But I don't see what all of the fuss is about. Would X-men: Days of Future Past have been any more or less great if Chris Claremont had never written the comic decades ago? Nope. And there were so many changes to it that it can be considered an entirely new story, anyway. And besides, we've seen the traditional Fantastic Four on screen already and everybody hated it. When you've got creators like Trank and Simon Kinberg the best thing to do is let them forge their own path with these characters rather than sticking to stuff we already know and have already seen. People really need to chill about stuff like this, and that includes those in my own tribe of comic book fanatics.

Fantastic Four is set to open on June 19th 2015.