'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes' Advance Screening
Set 10 years after the events of Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Matt Reeves' sequel Dawn of the Planet of the Apes pits humanity's few survivors against Caesar and his evolved simian army. We're extremely excited about the debut of the film next week, and so we are pleased to offer our readers a chance to attend a free advance 3D screening held on Tuesday, July 8th at 7:00pm at AMC Mazza Gallerie.
To qualify you must first be a fan of Punch Drunk Critics on Facebook,so if you haven't "Liked" us yet please go there and do so now. To win, simply email punchdrunktrav@gmail.com with your full name and the film you are most looking forward to through the rest of summer. Contest runs through 11:59pm tomorrow, July 6th, and winners will be notified shortly after.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes opens July 11th.