
It's On For Bruce Wayne In Comic-Con Poster For 'The Lego Batman Movie'

So check it out, by now you already know thanks to the images Warner Bros. has already dropped this morning, that their mega-huge panel is 24 hours away. Another film that is expected to play a big part of that is The Lego Batman Movie, which has dropped a cool new poster featuring Will Arnett as Bruce Wayne.

The image shows Bruce Wayne putting on his famous cowl, which considering how self-centered this version of Bats is it's a wonder he'd want to cover his face at all. It's a continuation of the irreverent flavor the character had in The Lego Movie, which promises to be a lot of fun. Arnett is joined by Zack Galifianakis as the Joker, Michael Cera as Robin, Rosario Dawson as Batgirl, and Michael Caine as Alfred. You can check the latest images of some of them here.

The Lego Batman Movie opens February 10th 2017.