
'Jurassic World' Sequel Begins Shooting Early 2017

It certainly wasn't a sure thing that Jurassic World would be a hit, given that it was fifteen years since Jurassic Park III which didn't do all that well. But nobody could have predicted $1.6B worldwide, making it the top movie of 2015. That puts a lot of pressure on the upcoming sequel, which will find Colin Trevorrow stepping aside for J.A. Bayona (The Impossible, A Monster Calls) to take over as director.

With a June 22nd 2018 release date already set in stone, we're now learning that shooting will commence in Hawaii next year on February 27th, according to Jurassic Outpost. It will be working under the production title of Ancient Futures, and will make multiple location stops along the way, including London's Pinewood Studios.

Of course we don't know much about the plot other than some jibberish about "open-sourced" dinosaurs, but with Trevorrow and Derek Connolly back working on the screenplay they should be able to come up with something fun for Chris Pratt to do.