
Review: 'Love Between The Covers' Explores Passions Of Romance Authors

NOTE: My good friend and author Jen Scott took time out of her busy schedule to review Love Between the Covers for us and lend some of her personal insight! Check her out on Twitter here!

Love Between The Covers is an entertaining documentary that offers a glimpse into the world of romance.

Laura Kahn gives us a backstage pass into the lives of romance authors, both Traditional and Indie published. You hardcore readers will enjoy many fangirl moments including interviews with Nora Roberts, Jill Shalvis, and Bella Andre just to name a few.

I can practically hear the high pitched squeals.

This film stirs up several emotions as it follows these fascinating women.  Some who tell their own tales of unsupportive spouses, lost loves, struggles with sexual orientation, and financial strain.
Love Between the Covers is also chock full of humor and intrigue as the authors discuss how they fearlessly tackled the many hurdles of the industry with a Balls to the wall, Do or die, Shit or get off the pot mentality.

They are down to earth, intelligent, witty, and charming.  What is fascinating about the romance industry is that friendships are formed everyday between authors and their readers.  Did you know that fans of the genre are famous for reading two or more novels a week?  That is more than any other genre. And if asked, they are quick to tell you that they don't give a damn if you find what they're reading is "trashy," because "We are the shit!" As one so lightly puts it.

The documentary unapologetically defends the top-selling genre as it gives us a peek inside the heads of the artist and fan.  What it takes to publish and the "pay it forward" spirit of the community.
Readers explain how their lives were transformed simply by a book they've read.  A few even go on to say that, "women's sexuality is fairly represented." It is refreshing to see the art of the H.E.A. or "Happily Ever After" celebrated as opposed to scrutinized. 

Rating: 4 out of 5