
'Blue Crush' Will Now Make Waves As A TV Series

Here's my little story about Blue Crush, the beach drama that introduced most of us to Kate Bosworth. I was badly ill for a while and laid up on my couch, and the remote control was somewhere not near me. I was too sick to get up and look so I watched Blue Crush four times in a row. Somehow I didn't get sick of it, and now the 2002 film is becoming a TV series that I'll probably get sick of pretty quickly.

Deadline reports that Blue Crush co-writer Lizzy Weiss is now penning episodes of an upcoming series that will air on NBC. The film starred Bosworth and Michelle Rodriguez as best friends whose one passion in life is surfing. But there are boys, too, of course, and some stuff about growing up or something. It was directed by John Stockwell (who now mostly does action flicks or movies about tourists getting murdered )and featured some incredible surf cinematography. There was a terrible sequel nine years later that kept the multicultural ratio going, but didn't resemble the original in any other noticeable way.

I've always felt Blue Crush could make a decent TV series, but that was then when shows set on the beach were a thing. Not so sure it can work now, and the name recognition probably isn't strong enough to attract fans of the movie. We'll have to see who they get to lead the cast first.