
It Could Be A While Before 'The Batman' Begins Filming

It's no secret Warner Bros. has had a ton of problems with The Batman. The script has been a constant issue practically since the beginning, but then there was the cloud of star and then-director Ben Affleck seeming less than enthusiastic about the whole ordeal. That led to him eventually quitting as director, and while rumors swirled he may leave altogether, his replacement Matt Reeves came aboard...then left...then came aboard again.

All of that drama has led to some confusion about when production would begin, but Variety's Justin Kroll says we can forget about it being this year due to Reeves' commitments to War for the Planet of the Apes...

That would have it in theaters some time in 2019 at the earliest, and who knows if that fits with Warner Bros.' plans.

Meanwhile, Affleck took to Facebook and revealed that he has completed a rehab stint for alcoholo addiction, something he battled with previously in 2001. The only reason I even bring it up is because it may give us some indication why he lessened his load on The Batman, and he did the right thing to get the help he needed. According to a source that spoke with EW, Affleck continued to work on The Batman's script with Geoff Johns through his treatment.