
'Mission: Impossible 6' Recruits Henry Cavill To The Team

Mission: Impossible 6 already has Tom Cruise and Jeremy Renner, so you'd think it would be loaded up with enough action stars for one franchise to handle. Then they go ahead and add the guy who plays Superman, proving there can never be enough of a good thing. Deadline confirms Henry Cavill has joined the cast, although those who were watching the cutesy social media exchange between Cavill and Christopher McQuarrie already knew.

It all began on McQuarrie's Instagram where he asked, “Say, @henrycavill. Had a thought. Curious if you’re interested in a role in the 6th installment of Mission: Impossible. No pressure."

Cavill went on to respond with, “How can I say no to a man with such perfect hair…..”

Here's the rest of their jokey exchange in which McQuarrie fills Cavill in on all of the caveats, like "Nobody is ever allowed to be taller than Tom Cruise".  Just kidding, that's not really one of them.

“@henrycavill excellent. Just a few caveats: must enjoy extreme heights, high speeds, motor vehicles of all varieties (especially aircraft), practical stunts, firearms, and sporadic exposition. All good?”
“@christophermcquarrie only if I get to fly for real.”
“@henrycavill I do believe I specified practical stunts. You in?”
“Oh ok…..I’m in!” Cavill replied.
“@henrycavill Outstanding. Welcome aboard. Your social media account will self destruct in 5 seconds.”

In a role that promises to be far more than it sounds, Variety says Cavill will play the right hand man to the head of Cruise's team. It's unclear if that role will be filled again by Alec Baldin since he's not confirmed to return. Simon Pegg and Rebecca Ferguson are coming back.  It's almost like they're forming a new Justice League of Spies.

Mission: Impossible 6 opens July 27th 2018, and has cornered the market on perfect hair and strong jawlines.