
Win Passes To A Special Free Screening Of 'American Wrestler: The Wizard'

We're happy to offer our DC readers the chance to attend Fathom Events' special one-night-only screening of the inspirational film, American Wrestler: The Wizard.  The film stars Jon Voight, William Fichtner, Ali Afshar, and George Kosturos.

SYNOPSIS: In this inspiring tale based on true events, 17-year-old Ali Jahani is a newcomer to a small California town, where he stands out as different in an unwelcoming community. Living with his embittered uncle, the boy faces a mountain of adversity everywhere he turns. Rejected by everyone but determined to fit in, he joins the school’s floundering wrestling team. With a chance to change how others see him, Ali must step up and learn to be a hero.

This event takes place on Wednesday, May 3rd at 7:30pm at Regal Gallery Place. If you'd like a chance to attend, simply complete the Rafflecopter contest form below. Winners will be selected tomorrow, May 2nd, at noon. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway