Seriously, that is not edited in any way.
I'm not one of those movie fanatics who follows the production of a film step by step, needing to know every detail of every day's shoot like some people. It's why you don't see me posting the tons of daily photos and news on Scott Pilgrim or Iron Man. I'm far more interested in the finished product. But in the case of Youngblood, the superhero film being directed by Brett Ratner based on an "idea" from comic book whipping boy Rob Liefeld, I can't help myself but be intrigued.
The reason? No other film is so primed to be a woeful disaster. Brett Ratner is the hackiest of hack directors, who got by simply for being cool with people(remember his scenes in Black & White? Urrgh!). His efforts outside of Rush Hour 1 have been abysmal, even managing to ruin an unruinable franchise like the X-men. Rob Liefeld, his partner in this venture, was a flash in the pan artist from the early 90's. His art was awful. Freakishly structured dudes, alongside big tittied women in poses that would require them to have the spine of a jellyfish to pull off. Oh, and he couldn't draw feet. He always hid them under mysterious clouds of dust. Youngblood was his attempt to steal from his two favorite franchises, the X-men and the Avengers, using thinly disguised rip off characters. It was not good.
So with these two at the helm it's no wonder I've been so interested in how this future flop was developing. THe only thing left for them to screw up was the script. I hoped and prayed they'd let Liefeld himself handle the writing chores, as I've read his scripts from previous comics and they are a laugh riot. Unintentionally, but funny nonetheless. Alas, they've decided to sign up the writing duo of Chad Damiani and J.P. Lavin to handle that. Never heard of them? Why would you? They're only real claim to fame was the extremely short-lived(and bad) semi-scripted Fox comedy, Anchorwoman. Don't remember that, either? Apparently Ratner and Liefeld think this is some sort of coup:
"They were the guys everyone wanted for 'Capeshooters' at 11 AM at Warner Bros a year ago, and then at 3 PM, I met with Brett [Ratner] and his producing partner, and Brett says, 'I know exactly who we have to get to write this: Lavin and Damiani,'" said Liefeld.
Yeah, EVERYONE wanted them. I'm sure their phones have been ringing off the hook, what with all their previous success and all running a bad TV show into the drink. Who you tryin' to fool? This is only getting betterer and betterer. I can't wait for this thing to come out!