Expendables Action Explodey!
Ok, so The Expendables is the one film that's got me lookin' and scroungin' for every bit of dirt I can find on it. I'm following it on Twitter and everywhere else it's possible. It's just the coolest looking film ever. Period. Pointblank. So far we've been graced with a couple of shots from the actual filming, my favorite being Stone Cold Steve Austin leaping away from an explosion. This new pic, straight from Sly himself, features him attempting to yank himself aboard a seaplane. You kiddin'? Look at dem gunz homeboy's still sportin'! They are doing exactly the right thing here, as every shot is one of the key figures doing something, well, actiony. If this keeps up, we're gonna get a shot of Jet Li in mid jumpkick with a bunch of ninjas hangin' off his neck or something equally ridiculous and cool.