Ok, so latley there have been a few IM2 pics hitting the web but honestly they've been underwhelming. One of Tony in his workshop, one of him in a huge donut...mehh. But out today comes this pic which I suppose some could argue is no big deal but it says so much more than just SLJ walking around with an eyepatch. Number 1 let's all thank Marvel for coming to their senses and paying him whatever he wanted to reprise the role, number 2 if he's shooting this early hopefully it's a sign that he'll have a much expanded role, and number 3 HOW BADASS DOES HE LOOK?!?!? I'm a fanboy that's all there is to it but I think the only way they couldv'e redeemed Nick Fury after that David Hasselhoff abortion of the mid 90's was with the ultimate himself Samuel L Jackson. More to come on this as I get it.