
Why I'm giving Rob Zombie a chance.

Remakes. Somehow that word has become synonomous with two things, sucking and box office gold (usually). Personally I've liked alot of the remakes that have come out, even if they were bad usually they were fun. I took issue with Rob Zombie, who I really like both in film and music, when he was slated to direct the remake of 'Halloween' as he had been quoted as saying remakes sucked and he would never do one. Whatever, we all change our minds that's fine and to be honest I really liked 'Halloween'. Then came 'H2' and the rants from me began, the look was wrong, the story was getting too close to 'Friday the 13th', WHAT IS HE DOING?!? I was of that mindset until just recently when I read another article in which Zombie basically says 'F you, I'm taking these properties and making them my own, doing them my way.". This made me think, "Is he the only one getting it right?", I mean they are pushing away the word remake for reimagining, am I one of these internet critic douches that latches onto childhood memories and curses anyone that dare put their spin on them? Worst case scenario we can always just ignore what comes out, best case we have a new spin on an old classic and are better for it. I've always liked Zombie's style and although I was fully opposed to 'Halloween 2' I'm going to give it a fair chance and to be honest I'm probably going to like it, hell it can't be worse than 'Halloween 3: Season of the Witch'. Morale of the story, let's stop internet prejudice and give everything it's fair shake...I'm starting the revolution with me.