
The Bad Paul Anderson Destroys the Classics

I'm thinking of starting an online petition to force Paul W.S. Anderson to change his name. I shouldn't have to include his pretentious middle initials just do differentiate him from the great Paul Thomas Anderson. W.S. makes Resident Evil....P.T. makes Boogie Nights, There Will Be Blood, and the movie we get our name from, Punch Drunk Love. Big friggin' difference.

It looks like ol' W.S. is back to his old tricks again, but now rather than making bad movies from popular video games he's turned his attention to the classics, specifically The Three Musketeers. Didn't they just make this movie a few years ago with Leonardo Dicaprio or something? But that movie didn't have the benefit of 3-D, did it? Noooooo. That's right. As if you won't be feeling moronic enough sitting through his "modernization" of a period piece, he wants you to look like a moron as well. From the horse's mouth...

“We are definitely modernizing ‘The Three Musketeers’ without compromising the fun of shooting a period piece,” said Anderson, who hopes to shoot in France and Germany. “But in our film, corsets and feathered hats don’t take center stage. Our version is rich in eye-popping action, romance and adventure.”

Yeah, that sounds like a winner. I'm not gonna lie, I've liked exactly two W.S. Anderson films. Event Horizon and Death Race, but otherwise he's been pretty craptastic. Consider me not a fan of this idea whatsoever. How much you wanna bet he finds a way to get Milla Jojovich involved? I'll bet you anything.

Heatvision has more on the story here.