
Favreau Circles the Wagons Around Cowboys and Aliens

I don't know where Jon Favreau finds the time. Homie must be a mutant or somethin'. Or have a clone we don't know about. Iron Man 2 is pretty much wrapped up, and now he's already looking to tackle another project that's been on the backburner for the better part of 12 years. Favreau is being approached to direct Cowboys and Aliens, a film starring Robert Downey, Jr. about a war that breaks out when a spaceship crashes in the middle of the Old West.

The film has been on the outskirts of Hollywood since 1997, when when comedian Steve Odenkirk was attatched to both write and direct the film based on a one-sheet of a cowboy on horseback being chased by an alien craft. Since then, the project has changed hands numerous times, from Universal to Columbia to Dreamworks, but somehow production never got underway. In 2006 a graphic novel of Cowboys and Aliens was released, of which the film will be based. Production is set to begin next summer, and will be co-written by Lost's Damon Lindelof.

Well it's about friggin' time, and thank the Lord Steve Odenkirk is no longer attatched. I still haven't forgiven him for Kung Pow: Enter the Fist. I saw more people walk out of the theatre for that film than anyother, and with good reason. It's a completely laugh free experience. Favreau's proven he's got the good when it comes to adapting big, high concept ideas like this, and having Downey on board only makes it more intriguing.