
There's Not Really A New Star Wars Movie....Is There?

So there's this rumor floating around, given life thanks to a random statement made by geek blogger, Thomas Dolby, during his stay in California with a friend. That friend happens to be Paul Sebastien of LucasArts. The uproar came when Dolby let this little nugget slip out on his blog...

Last night he was telling me a little about the forthcoming Star Wars-related TV show, movie and online games—very cool indeed.

Understandably, when the words "Star Wars" and "movie" are in the same sentence, nerds everywhere collectively took a crap in their Tauntaun sleeping bags. Would it be a movie based on the upcoming live-action series? Another cartoon spinoff? Yet another tepid recreation of the original films?

Ummmm...no. Settle down, fanboys.

Finally getting a whiff of the frenzy he started, Dolby just recently updated his blog:

"A slight correction about the Lucas thing that my friend Paul Sebastien pointed out to me: he’s actually not aware of any movie plans, and was just talking about the live action TV show that George had talked about in an interview with an Australian TV station a while back. Paul is only working on the games side, and I know from past experience that he’s very professional and discrete, and would never leak confidential secrets, even to a close friend.

Sorry to throw a bucket of water on it, Star Wars fans: I should have chosen my words more carefully given the ultra-sensitivity of your blogosphere!"

Not that it totally washes away any idea that another movie is in the works, only that Sebastien isn't aware of any movie being worked on. Which begs the question: Why did Dolby mention movies to begin with? Is it some great big LucasArts cover up? Or was Dolby just talking out of his arse trying to score some more hits on his blog? Eventually we'll find out the truth, but for now we can all rest easy in the idea that no more awful Star Wars films are in production....that we know of.