Do you want to know just how bad Emmerich's Godzilla film was? As bad as his other films are, and you all know by now that I count a number of his disgraces on my bottom 10 of all-time, none of them were so distasteful that another studio had to go out of their way to destroy Emmerich's version in an entirely separate film, but that's exactly what happened.
Emmerich's film featured a creature who bore about as much resemblance to Godzilla as Pikachu does. It was a friggin' mutated iguana, for chrissakes. Toho Co., in a bid to distance themselves from the blight on their hallowed franchise, renamed it Zilla. Then, in their next film titled Godzilla: Final Wars, Toho had the REAL Godzilla show up and stomp the living crap out of Emmerich's pale imitation in less than 30 seconds. That wasn't just a shot across the bow at Roland Emmerich's putrid film, it was a full on barrage.
No word yet on a possible director to helm the project.
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