And leading off today's "So Wacky It Just Might Happen" segment of the program, Garry Marshall recently revealed that Jamie Foxx(
The Great White Hype
) is currently scripting a big screen adaptation of Marshall's hit TV series from the 80s,
Laverne & Shirley. The film would reunite Marshall with Jessica Biel and Jennifer Garner, who Marshall worked with alongside Foxx in last month's hit rom-com, Valentine's Day.
At a press junket in February, there were some most ignored rumors floating around about Biel and Garner possibly wanting to work on a Laverne & Shirley project. Now it sounds like it's more real than anybody was aware at the time.
Foxx is working on writing in roles for Penny Marshall Cyndy Williams, the show's original stars. Laverne & Shirley aired from 1976 to 1983, and was about a pair of roommates who worked at a Milwaukee brewery.
Like him or hate him, Garry Marshall makes hit movies.
Pretty Woman
Runaway Bride
Valentine's Day
, whatever. I don't expect I'll dig this film at all since I wasn't a fan of L&S, nor am I a fan of anybody involved. In particular, Jamie Foxx handling the script brings back painful memories of The Jamie Foxx Show.
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