Cowboys & Aliens is one of the most interesting projects coming along over the next year, but if this rumor turns out to be true it might've just leapfrogged to the top of my most anticipated list. Latino Review got a tip that Harrison Ford would be joining a comic book movie by a big name director coming off another comic book film. That description certainly fits Jon Favreau, who of course has Iron Man a few months away from release and is also the director for Cowboys & Aliens. Unless Matthew Vaughn(Kick-Ass) has something coming up that we haven't been made aware of, Favreau seems the likely suspect. Lending credence is a
tweet from Favreau himself...
“Some very cool Cowboys & Aliens casting news coming soon…”
Cowboys and Aliens stars Daniel Craig(
Casino Royale
Layer Cake
) and Olivia Wilde(House, Tron Legacy) in a high concept western/sci-fi flick about an alien invasion targeting a small Arizona town in the 1800s, forcing the cowboys and native Americans to band together to repel the attack. Shooting is set to begin this summer with a release date of July 29, 2011 already penciled in.