The combination of wildman Nicolas Cage and eccentric director Werner Herzog was bound to produce explosive results, but nobody could've anticipated this. Cage stars as a pill popping, moral boundary crossing detective in post-Katrina New Orleans.When he's not taking advantage of his suspects in order to score more drugs, he's hanging out with his equally drug addicted prostitute girlfriend(Eva Mendes). Herzog's obsessive eye for nature pops up at the weirdest times, making this cop drama an odd mish-mash of styles, but a compelling one to be sure. For my money Nicolas Cage's best performance in years.
The Natural
Sure it's mostly melodramatic and mythological, but aren't the best baseball movies always like that? Ok, I prefer the madcap zaniness of Major League a bit more, but The Natural is a must own for any fan of the sport.
The Thomas Crown Affair
The Thomas Crown Affair might be the coolest movie ever. Seriously. In so many ways, Pierce Brosnan is more James Bond here than he ever was in the famous spy's actual films. Alongside the blazing hot Rene Russo, in her sexiest role by far, the two set off fireworks. I love this movie so much, I might actually scrap my DVD and upgrade to the Blu-Ray.
The Relic
Only two things I remember about The Relic: 1. Penelope Ann Miller, who I had a crush on ever since The Freshman
Remember when David Caruso had a promising career as a movie star? If you blinked, you might've missed it. It was about a week after he left NYPD Blue in a hissy fit, and Jade was just about to skank up movie theaters across the nation. This one is memorable only for it's almost comic hyper sexuality and Caruso's stiff performance. And what the hell happened to Linda Fiorentino? She's so hot here that I'm sure she jumpstarted quite a few boys into puberty, but afterwards disappeared into relative obscurity. I know she was in Men in Black 2 and Kevin Smith's Dogma, but are either of those memorable because of her?