Ever since it was reported that The Hughes Brothers would be tackling the live-action adaptation of Akira, I've been keeping my ears open to any and all news on the project when just a few months ago I wanted to avoid it completely. The Hughes Brothers are the best African-American directors in the business, in my humble opinion, and as a tandem they've created some of my favorite films.
That's why this news scares me a little bit. Deadline is reporting that Allen and Albert may be looking at going their separate ways, at least for the time being. The two are set to work on Akira for Warner Brothers together, but it's looking like they've decided to switch things up a little bit. Albert will be handling Akira primarily by himself, while bro Allen takes charge of their HBO series, Gentlemen of Leisure(based off their 1999 documentary American Pimp
This kinda worries me. The brothers frankly need eachother, at least from what I've seen. Albert is the technical wiz, while Allen is more of the "smooth things over with the actors" guy. I'm sure Albert can handle the directing chores by himself, but I'd hate for run-ins with the cast to slow down production. Akira is already going to be a massive project, spanning two films at least and will be under the scrutiny of a huge contingent of fans.