
Predators Writers to Take on MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!

Back in September it was reported that Warner Brothers and Mattel were having some issues hammering out a vision for He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, a planned big screen adventure featuring the 1980s toyline. The script, which by most accounts seemed pretty awesome, was written by Justin Marks. So Warner Brothers let the rights lapse, and it was snapped up by Columbia Pictures.

Columbia is proceeding ahead on the project, but basically starting from scratch. So forget that Marks script, and now Mike Finch and Alex Litvak are handling the writing chores. Finch and Litvak are the duo responsible for banging out the words to Robert Rodriguez's upcoming Predators film. At one point, Kung Fu Panda director John Stevenson was to direct the project, but no word has been given as to whether or not that's still the case. Most likely not.

I don't really care who writes it....ok, as long as it's not George Lucas or somethin', just get it done. We can't have that awful Dolph Lungren Masters of the Universe standing as the one and only version of He-man to hit theaters. Plus, once this one is a massive global box office breaking hit, it'll make it all the easier for there to be an Orko & Ram-Man spinoff series. Can't wait.

You can read more Heatvision's coverage of the story here.