Well this one certainly has my undivided attention, what with me being such a fan of all things supernatural. Ryan Reynolds is set to star in 'R.I.P.D', a film adaptation of a graphic novel...I know, shocker right who'd of thought they would adapt a graphic novel to a film, oh wait. Seriously though there's a reason for it, graphic novels don't really get the credit they deserve still being seen as low brow entertainment just above the Archie comic book rack. What people have yet to understand fully is how amazing a medium graphic novels really are and not just because of the pretty pictures but the elevated game of the writers these days, there is some compelling work being put out through these super sized comics. Back to Reynolds new project 'R.I.P.D.', it's the story of a dead cop, presumably played by Reynolds, who's joined by a centuries old wild west cowboy in an effort to be cops to the undead and reporting directly to the Devil himself. In the midst of all this Reynolds character will also be hunting down the man responsible for his death. Sounds crazy right? Yeah it's crazy...so crazy that it might just work. I love this kinda stuff, I have no clue why I just dig it, hell I'm even a fan of the Keanu Reeves movie 'Constantine'. This sounds to me like a hellfire and brimstone kind of good time.