'Splice' Theatrical Trailer Shows the Dangers of Taking Science Too Far!
We all know it, human cloning is not an option...something completely F'd up will come out of it. It just one of those things, like building autonomous robots that will one day turn on you, some things just shouldn't be done. However our human egos don't like being told no and sooner or later it will become less science fiction and more science fact. 'Splice' explores just one of the possible abomonations that could come from human cloning, playing God if you will. Definitely a freaky vibe given off by this movie but something in the trailer makes me think it won't be freaky enough. Granted I'll have to see how the whole story plays out to judge that but really why are they befriending the thing. Wouldn't it be a better movie if it was more like 'Alien' and the thing was just a homicidial killing machine? Looking more like 'Species' than 'Alien' this flick may feel a bit off from the trailer but it still has my interest piqued. The cast alone really has me interested with Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley in the star seats both of whom I totally dig. Check it out below.