
Samuel L. spills on Avengers details

While everyone is in high gear for the upcoming individual superhero movies Iron Man 2, Thor, and Captain America, the true end game in most of our minds is The Avengers. Never has there been such a superhero all star team up on the silver screen as this movie would be, no....I don't count Fantastic Four. There has been speculation on this movie since Sam Jackson's Nick Fury showed up in the first Iron Man flick and it has only snowballed since then. Well it's definitiely happening and has fanboy favorite Joss Whedon, of Buffy fame, attached to direct, but we knew this already. What we didn't know was that there's a start date for the movie, next February and that, at least in SLJ's mind, it will be Nick Fury's film. Here's an excerpt from the IESB interview that can be found here.
Q: Do you have any desire to campaign for your own Nick Fury film?

Sam: The Avengers is my own starring vehicle for that character, pretty much.

Q: But, that’s so far away.

Sam: That's not that far away. It's just February. I've got time to get in shape and everything.

Ok, I'm not getting up in arms yet but if he's right we have a problem.Granted everything I say here is based on Jackson's above quote and the script is still being rewritten so take this as my thoughts on the film if he's right and Nick Fury is the main character. Plain and simple I don't like it. The movie should break down like this in my mind. First 20 min you show how the team comes together, next 30 all the team dynamic and shenanigans that are involved as well as setup for the mission of the film, next 40 the mission FULL OF ACTION, and the final 20 minutes should be wrapping up the story lines and setting up for the next film. Now with this thought remember that Nick Fury is not an active member of the team he's their boss. He should be featured only in the setup of the mission and associated training as well as a few cut shots during the mission and obviously some good scenes after the climactic battle. If he's the feature of the film than The Avengers themselves become background which is NOT good. Again, not going to deeply into this since the scripts not even done and I'm sure Whedon understands what the fans want to see and that will show in his script rewrites.