
Jackson Spills Secrets on NICK FURY's Future

That Samuel L. is a talkative chap. In a recent interview with Radio Big Boy(really, that's a real show?), he lets loose some secrets on the one-eyed super spy's future. He says that the Joss Whedon directed Avengers film will be shooting next year, and then after that there will be a huge S.H.I.E.L.D. film as well. Jackson also confirmed that he will appear in both Captain America: The First Avenger and in Iron Man 3, but will not be making an appearance in Thor.

A solo Nick Fury flick that doesn't involve David Hasselhoff? I'm there. If they make it a big, global swashbuckling adventure it could end up being the best of all the Marvel flicks, or at least the one that appeals most directly to me. 

That last point, though, about Fury not showing up in Thor doesn't seem to make much sense considering SHIELD's scene at the end of Iron Man 2. This could all be a ruse to throw us off the trail, or maybe they don't want to bog Kenneth Branagh down with too much geeky continuity stuff.