
Next Terminator movie not looking likely, according to Common

In a round table discussion with Lt. Barnes himself, rapper turned actor Common, I got a chance to ask him what the latest word was on the next Terminator film. His response was less than hopeful saying "I don't even know if they'll make another one...but if they do I would love to be in it." This won't come as a completely shocking suprise to most given the less than stellar critical and commercial outcome of the last flick. Making $125 million with a budget right around $200 million the film cost the studio a lot of money, making it a bigger risk to green light the next installment. This still bums me out to no end though, I honestly thought that Terminator: Salvation would be seen as a good flick once the follow ups were released. It was a good starting point to tell the new story and now we may never know what the rest of that story was. Who knows, they may just not have said anything to Common yet, but given that his character, Barnes, was supposed to have a largely expanded role I would think if something was happening anytime soon he would know about it. 

For the full interview with Common, in which we talk the state of hip-hop, his new movie "Just Wright", and many other things keep tuned to the site.